Why Is My Google Map Broken?

Why Is My Google Map Broken

Google is now charging for using its mapping services, but it gives you a credit to pay for most or all of the quota. If you have a standard website with average traffic then it will probably not use enough resources to actually get billed. However, Google wants your billing information just in case you go over your quota.

Google offers a free $200 credit monthly, with charges beyond that. Check Google’s pricing page for details: Google Maps Platform Pricing

[dipl_how_to_schema title=”Google Maps API Billing Setup Steps” how_to_content=”

In order to add a new billing account please follow these steps:

” step_main_title=”Create Your Billing and API” show_tools=”on” tools_title=”Tools” tools_items=”%91{%22value%22:%22Credit Card%22,%22checked%22:0,%22dragID%22:-1}%93″ show_supplies=”on” supplies_title=”Supplies” supplies_items=”%91{%22value%22:%22Computer and Internet%22,%22checked%22:0,%22dragID%22:-1}%93″ show_time=”on” time_title=”Total Time” add_time=”10″ show_cost=”on” cost_title=”Cost” add_cost=”Free” _builder_version=”4.8.2″ _module_preset=”default” how_to_desc_text_font_size=”20px” hover_enabled=”0″ sticky_enabled=”0″ _i=”1″ _address=”″ /]