The Top 5 Common Website SEO Problems

1. WWW resolve – It really doesn’t matter whether the “www” is appended in front of a domain name or not as far as accessing the site. But – and this is important – the entry should resolve to either always including the “www” or it should always be stripped out. If this is not handled the search engines will see a site as two sites and this will negatively impact search engine results.
2. Site meta description – This is what shows up as detail information in a search engine result. It should be less than 160 characters including spaces and punctuation. Don’t leave it empty as this is the chance to entice the viewer of the search engine result to come to your site!
3. No page titles or incomplete titles – At the top of the browser you will see the page title. We recommend always including your company name at the end using this format “| your company name”. The total length of the page title should be less than 70 characters.
4. Missing alt tags on images – Make sure your images have “alt tags”. Search engines can’t determine the contents from a site with untagged images.
5. Short domain name expiration – The search engines like for domain name expiration dates to be lengthy. This lets them know that the domain name is more likely to stay around. Extend your expiration date and it is one less item that you may forget!
For a site evaluation regarding your particular SEO setup please feel free to contact us!