Reasons for Your Website to be Mobile Friendly

Making a site mobile friendly requires that your website developer be familiar with the necessary development techniques and have a variety of devices available to check their work. There is now another, equally important reason for you to make sure your site is mobile friendly. On April 21, 8 short days away, Google will start measuring your site according to how well it presents information to mobile users. They have not revealed their algorithm but it follows that sites which are not designated as friendly for mobile devices will suffer a loss in rankings or perhaps not be ranked at all.
Can You Check To See If Your Site IS Mobile Friendly?
Google has provided a tool which you can use to see if your website is seen by Google as mobile friendly. Here is the link – Enter your site name to see how your site stacks up. If your site is not showing up as mobile friendly now is the time to assess the effort involved in making the necessary changes so that you do not lose critical rankings. If you have resources to help you make these changes, contact them now. If not, Moore Tech Solutions will be happy to assess your situation to see what effort will be required to get over this critical hump. Feel free to contact us if there are questions.